The background story of Burma & MoeMaKa
by Maung Yit • October 9, 2008
– The situation, the feeling and the experience of Burmese people inside Burma and outside should be addressed and presented in the Burmese community grass root level to raise the awareness among them and also for non-Burmese who are interested in Burmese issues where eventually with the help and affection of the international community and the Burmese people itself, it shall benefit in the direction of building democratic civil society in Burma.
– To realize the goals, purpose or the objectives, we formed the group of volunteer Burmese media and technical professionals living in exile formed this “MoeMaKa” to present the news, articles and literature toward the Burmese community living outside and inside of Burma through the least expensive medium – Internet.
– We collect news, information and article from Burmese people, present them with online publication on the website in Burmese language then with their voice and reflection, we present them in radio program blended with our Burmese traditional music, songs and dramas.
– To establish our strong commitment to our Burmese community, we have our “Media Archives & Research” function to gather and catalog the materials; we semi-annually compile our presentation into books and multimedia publications as collectables which serve as an opening the opportunity to receive the donation from the general public interested in Burmese issues.
– Further more, to establish more visible knot and understanding among Burmese community and other non-Burmese, we help and organize Burmese literary talks and Burmese language speaking/reading event in the community center annually with the Burmese family as open to all public events.
– As our Burmese community is still a very young migrant community and it needs a lot of support and assistance to make a strong community not only in the US or even inside Burma, we gather information, technology and ideas from all our Burmese community and share them back with the Burmese people in need especially the great example would be back in May 2008, where Nargis Cyclone hit Burma, we have helped with the community in the bay area to raise fund and charity for Burmese cyclone victims.