Saturday, December 17, 2011

Year 2011 Highlights

Year 2011 Highlights

1. Weekly Interview Program with U Win Tin: Since his release from prison, MoeMaKa kept in touch with the major opposition figure to report his view and perspective on Burma's issues. It has covered critical political campaigns of the Burmese democratic activists, such as the boycott on the 2010 Regime's election and on the continuing struggles of Burmese oppositions under the new government elected from Regime's sham 2010 election.

2. Media coverage on Aung San Suu Kyi: Since her release from her house arrest in November 2010, we have covered and reported news of her activity, speeches, and events. We were also given a valuable interview with her to explain our existence and progress. She has shown her agreement and support of the mission of MoeMaKa Burmese news group for the struggle for democracy and freedom of expression in Burma.

3. Media coverage and Raising Awareness on current community led campaign for Burma:
Under the solidarity leadership of opposition leaders, Aung San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo, and U Win Tin, the Burmese democratic community become mobilized again and started to raise funds and charities to support the Burmese political prisoners and their families. They also called for the release of all political prisoners inside Burma by signing the petition together with the leaders. The Burmese democratic community became actively involved in reforming the state with true federation, not like the state ran by the centralized regime backed by the dictatorial military leaders. MoeMaKa is continuing covering the situation and also help raising awareness of the issues towards the Burmese community.


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